See the top reasons why Rachel is hated in TOG

Rachel Tower of God

Rachel is perhaps one of the most mysterious characters in the Tower of God lore written by SIU 

Her intentions for entering the Tower and what she really wants never seem to be clear even though she is the author's favorite character

The very fact that everyone who reads the webtoon seems to hate her shows how well written and dramatized she is

Of course there are a million reasons why people may hate her but I can't mention all of them ( write them in the comments )

Here I am going to highlight the top 9 reasons why everyone hates Rachel especially her guts to expect pity and embrace from everyone even after knowing how nasty she is

1. The first test by Headon 

So its a fact that Rachel entered the Tower before Baam and asked Headon to give her a chance to climb the Tower

Headon simply refused her request saying that she was not chosen and already knows how nasty , ugly and bad she is 

Rachel started begging him and Headon perhaps was in a good mood and gave Rachel an impossible task ( maybe because she called him a fairy )

He told her to pop the ball in the cage while she was being attacked by a white armored eel which was most likely to rip her in shreds in a few seconds 

Rachel started bitching and whining about how unfair this test is and that Headon simply does not want her to climb the Tower  

At that time Baam entered the Tower searching for Rachel and Headon told Rachel to step aside because an important guest was coming

Baam had guts and even impressed Princess Yuri who gave him the Black March and a pocket

He defeated the sea monster by having the courage to enter its mouth and popped the ball completing the test which Rachel thought was impossible 

Rachel watched all this and started screaming at Headon after Baam went away that it is completely unfair that Baam had such a powerful weapon without which he would not have won

She even said that Baam took everything from her and that she should be the chosen one not Baam

Rachel is extremely envious of Baam and thinks that Baam was the one who gets everything and has it easy while she suffers all the time

She is even jealous of the loyal friends Baam has with him and also lives in a dilemma that everyone hates her no matter what she does

Rachel thinks that Baam does not deserve all the power and attention he has and that all of it should belong to her

2. The deal with Headon 

After Baam went away to the next floor Headon decided to give Rachel a chance to climb the Tower if she makes a deal with him

Remember why Rachel pushed Baam off the bubble ?

It was the deal with Headon which made her compelled to do that . 

Headon promised her that she would become the heroine of the story if she pushes Baam off the bubble

Rachel perhaps is the most realistic character in Tower of God who can be seen as a representative of a human living in this century

She wanted power and friends and to make her wish come true , Headon asked her to sacrifice Baam which she did without hesitation

3. She is a damn liar

After Rachel had pushed Baam down she met Baam's teammates and told them that the Bull had killed Baam and he fell down

Baam was taken away by FUG and was undergoing intense and excruciating training by Jinsung Ha to protect his friends 

Meanwhile our bitch princess here was undergoing special treatment with warm beds , good food and no stress for six years 

She had lied to everyone that her legs had been broken and she couldn't walk and thus was forced to stay in bed and not do anything like a princess 

Shibisu and Khun already knew this but kept on pretending for 6 years since their team was staying together because of Baam's death

Lero Ro had already told them that the doctor had said that Rachel's legs were completely fine and the injury she had did not even need treatment 

She kept on lying and pretending for 6 years to get everyone's sympathy and to be treated with great care and appreciation for how much hardships she was undergoing after Baam's death

4. She cut off Dan's legs

After Shibisu had formed a team with Hatz Endorsi and the others and left , Khun had decided to make a team of his own and climb the Tower

At the 25th floor Khun had recruited Dan into his team since Dan could run faster than the winds

Once Khun along with Ran and another one of his teammates went out to investigate about the Devil's Right Hand

Meanwhile at his base two of his teammates who were secretly members of FUG alongside Rachel betrayed Khun and captured Dan

Rachel being a bitch started blabbering about how Dan should join her and be her legs to climb the Tower

Khun had already told his teammates that Rachel can perfectly walk and she was just pretending to be handicapped 

Dan retorted to Rachel that if she wanted to walk she should use her own perfectly fine legs which she used to betray Baam

On hearing this Rachel brought a knife and cut off Dan's legs leaving a trail of blood since she was so fucking jealous of how fast he ran

She thought it was very unfair that Dan gets such fast running legs and that it should all belong to her

She ignored his shrieking and wailing while she cut off her legs and laughed like a maniac 

5. She pushed Baam down...again

During the Hell Train Arc Rachel and her teammates were trying to run away with the train in which they had almost succeeded 

When they were just on the station ready to leave any minute Baam came along with his teammates and stopped them

In this arc Baam got overpossesive with Rachel and told her he would not allow her to leave him again

He activated the power of the Thorn and started bashing Rachel's powerful teammates who tried to stop him

He actually defeated one of Baylord Yama's mad dog but at that moment Yura Ha opened the door to the train

Rachel reached the top of the stairs and was intercepted by Baam who told her to come with him

She did a rewind of the first season and pushed Baam off the top and managed to escape with the Hell train

This time too she betrayed the trust which Baam had in her

6. She killed Akraptor

To wake up the slayer White completely Rachel needed a sacrifice to finally accomplish what she set out to do

She had planned to kill Wangnan or Miseng but since Wangnan healed fast she chose Miseng over him

Akraptor loved Miseng like his daughter and thus himself walked in front of Rachel's spear and died

Later Rachel was feeling all bad about killing someone but we all know how much she cares for someone else

7. She tried to kill Khun

During the events at the hidden floor Rachel became beautiful and entered the data world as a big breeder

Khun who got attacked attacked and injured in the hidden floor was slowly losing his entire consciousness and was dying

Rachel went by the name Icarus in the Hidden Floor and told Khun's teammates that she can completely heal him

Oh yes she did heal him completely but her medicine had a purposely planned side-effect 

She put a bomb in Khun's heart which exploded and almost would have had killed him if he hadn't used his newly learned ice tricks to stop his blood vessels from expanding and losing blood 

When they finally escaped the data world Baam completely destroyed her when she tried to fight him

She started whining again about how unfair is Baam's power while she is just a weak girl being bullied by his friends

She said that it doesn't matter to kill Khun since he has tried to kill her too which is a complete lie . Khun only protected Baam from her schemes at every occasion 

She has a habit of playing the victim card at every occasion and thinks all she does is justified and there is nothing wrong with it

8. She is jealous of Yura & Endorsi 

During the events at the hidden floor Rachel because of the help Gustang gave her obtained the body she always wanted 

She was all happy and dancing with the new powers she had gotten and the beauty she had always wanted

She thought she would remain beautiful and powerful from now on and would lose her ugly and short body

When Baam's friends exited the floor of the death Rachel was pulled out too and she lost her beautiful appearance 

Yura Ha tried to comfort her but instead Rachel started shouting and screaming on Yura

She told her that she was beautiful and powerful and everyone loved her so she would never understand her predicament 

She is jealous of the only person who considers her a friend and cares for someone like her 

After what she did to Khun at the hidden floor Endorsi beat the shit out of her and told her she never deserved to climb the Tower

Rachel retorted that Endorsi was the one who got power and beauty and all the guys drooling for her and being treated as a princess

Her thinking is so shallow that she completely overlooked the pains Endorsi had taken to become a Princess and get the power she has

Meanwhile all she had ever done is relying on others and using their power despicably for herself with no sense of gratitude 

9. She is a psychopath overall

I did an extensive research ( 1 hour on the net  ) about human psychology before writing this article

And see how lucky Rachel is...she cleared all the conditions necessary to be a self-centered psychopath 

From the entire 500 webtoon chapters I can clearly deduce one thing - the way Rachel is obsessed with her own welfare discarding others is not a trait of regular human beings

The girl will do anything as long as she can save herself from any kind of misfortune and won't hesitate to betray her own teammates 

She sees everyone else other than her as sacrificial one time use stairs which will help her climb the Tower

Even if she will have to kill a billion people someday she will not hesitate to trample over them as long as she and her hollow dreams can survive 

Let's end this post here since I do not want to make it too long....and definitely don't forget to tell me even more reasons in the comments below

Thank you for reading. 

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