Top 10 worst anime ever

10. Danmachi 

First  of all I hate to put this anime in this list but I had to because of a certain someone

She annoyed the hell out of me during every episode and her voice sounds like a razor sharp blade cutting a plywood

Yes I am looking at you Hestia since Bell had excellent voice acting and a respectable personality 

Meanwhile she looked like she was just obsessed with him which appeared fake and not really appreciatable 

I dunno if it was due to lack of writing skills but she literally ruined all the Wallenstein and Cranel moments

I literally fell for the protagonist after he defeated the minotaur in Episode 8 of the anime

It was so well animated and the fight scene was smooth as hell while building the tension and fear and a hint of inspiration in the atmosphere 

I feel like I would have put this anime in my top 10 favorite if instead of Hestia there was a less hypocritical goddess who minded her own business and let Bell lead his own life

But since it could not happen this show will have a place in the top 10 worst anime 

9. Vampire Holmes 

So this show was actually recommended to me by my degenerate friend Harry who said this is the Sherlock of Anime 

Naturally being a Leá Seydoux Fan I watched and after finally watching this I took a metal rod called my friend over for dinner and then shoved it up his ass After that I told him that if this is Sherlock then I must be James Bond

This show contained the two things I hate in anime - Berserk and excess CG...wait those two are the same and you really cannot expect anything from a show based on a smartphone app

Anyway this is supposed to be a detective show but after seeing it I felt like someone had put some dynamite in my cornea and then lighted it

If you like excess CG no storyline and bloodsuckingly ( get it ? Vampires ?  Bloodsucking ) bad shows then this is for you

It just does not look bad it also feels horrible since I watch anime where I can connect or empathise with the character

I mean I have seen isekai they really do not make much sense but you can easily tell what the character is gonna do because you can relate yourself

The best description for this show will be that someone tried to do something out of the box but massively sucked 

8. Love Tyrant 

The creator of this show was one day sipping his iced tea while watching Death Note

After binge watching Death Note he suddenly got an about he tries to shit on Death Note and instead of killing people let's make them fall in love 

Yeah that is the entire plot of the story and man did this show managed to complete what it set out to do

Whoever watched this after watching Death Note experienced constipation a strong urge to puke and a feeling of throwing up

Here a character wrote names in his kiss note to make people fall in love

The anime tried so hard to make people laugh with the cringiest jokes but sadly failed to do so 

Not even one episode felt like I should continue watching this and just made me cry tears of anger after watching it

7. Conception

Ok so this came out straight after the slime revolution with a promising degenerate premise -

Itsuki and his pregnant cousin are transported to a fantasy world where he must make babies with the star maidens 

Yeah thats about it in the plot - he gets transported to a fantasy world where he must find girls and make  babies with them

I do not know which hentai writer wrote this but it is so completely fuc*ed up that there is nothing in the anime except sex

The setting of the fantasy world went straight down the drain after 5 minutes of the 1st ep and all that remained was sex

Perhaps the studio had done this in collaboration with HentaiHaven cause it definitely belonged there

Shit Animation bad voice acting and completely rotten hentai plot - yes cultured men it is a show made for you

I also recommended this to Harry to pay him back for the Vampire Holmes incident 

Oh I am so evil

6. Dimensional Heroes

Have you seen Demon Slayer ? You know the show with amazing use of computer graphics to make the fighting scenes look so realistic 

This show is definitely not Demon Slayer 

While Demon Slayer made an example of how amazing CG can be this piece of crap was a pure example of shitty bad CG

I don't know who fu*king wrote the plot but man does he deserve some quality high authority abuses

The storyline is non existent the voice acting  is terrible and the director tried to use  CG to make it close to real life

It sucked so badly that I dropped it after the first few minutes of the episode since I was feeling this show was puke worthy

Do not even try to watch this unless you had drunk too much and want to puke to get the alcohol out of your body

5. Magi's Grandson

This came out pretty recently and I guess I was expecting some good stuff from this show but it turned out I was wrong

The first episode was clearly well animated and the storyline looked something that can be great if worked on properly

Then from the second episode it started showing its true colors and went super generic

Have you ever offered someone something good to eat and at the last moment snatched it from his mouth ?

This show was exactly like that since at first it worked pretty good and then like every other isekai the MC became OP

This is why I hate such anime because they are not realistic like Re Zero

The animation looked pretty good but the soundtrack was below average and the voice acting was okay at most cases

The plot twists died after the first ep and I was like

Me - Oh a calamity is going to strike the world capable of devouring millions of people

Studio - Did they just question our MC's OPess ?

This definitely deserves a spot in the top 10

4. Fist of the Blue Sky : Re-genesis

This piece of crap combined all the aspects of what can be considered the worst things in anime

It has crappy CG bad pacing and terrible backgrounds along with non existent twists and turns which should be in an anime

And it got a season 2 [ No game no life has left the chat ]

Perhaps the studio was thinking - Hey we have made such a bad anime that people are watching it to see how shit it is

Cause I can not see any reason why else people would try to watch this shit

I am not interested in muscular boneheads fighting with each other spouting random shit and you can even see the drawing lines 

Warning : Do not watch this since it can be hazardous for your sanity

3. Captain Earth

This show was beautifully animated with great sound effects and smooth camera movements

But the writing - not so much

What is the point of spending millions of dollars on a mecha show when the writing purely sucks ?

How many times we have seen this in mecha - Special boy gets a special robot and has a special girl for which he will save the world

The story had so many characters that they were as forgettable as their motivations

The pacing was rushed in many places and the humour in the plot was literally non - existent 

This is what happens when a show tries to take itself too seriously 

2. Mars of Destruction 

This anime does not end with a bang but with a whimper

Do not get me started on the animation sequences but just know this -

If Interspecies reviewers was a hentai anime with a action plot fans would still like it more than this

The plot is completely nonsensical with anything being introduced anywhere with no proper story presentation techniques 

It felt so damn dull and unenthusiastic that I dropped it after the first 2 episodes and went straight to the last ep

The whole point of the story was that the Earthlings were fighting the Martians who were invading Earth

Apparently not so much in the ending 

It turned out that the Earthlings were Martians and the Martians were Earthlings and the Martians used to live on Earth and were Earthlings but got invaded by Martians who became new Earthlings 

Doesn't make much sense ? Fear not you are not the only one

1. Psychic Wars

We are going into detail here folks so fasten your seat belts

The plot is something like this - a muscular doctor gets informed by a cancerous growth from the past that a demonic army is about to invade Earth

Was the cancerous growth his ancestor ? I do not know ( Maybe his great great great grandma liked tentacles )

So back to the point - I am going to highlight all the reasons why it sucks 

Animation - Terrible and the doctor punching monster scene is repeated so many times

Sex scenes - With sint music ( unforgivable )

Voice acting - Can be considered a competitor of Mermaid Melody ( ok not really that bad )

All in all the background and the fights sucked so badly that even watching this gave me the creeps 

If you intend to find a reason to stop watching anime this might be what you were searching for

Warning : Weebs less than level 100 should not even try watching this 

Some other dishonorable mentions

  • Kaze No Stigma

  • Appare Ranman !

  • My first girlfriend is a gal 

  • Asterisk War Season 2

  • A sister's all you need

  • Government crime Investigation Agent Zaizen Jotaro 

  • Skelter Heaven 

  • Pupa


Oh man finally its over ! I have told you the anime you should be wary of watching unless you want to lose your screws

Finally its time for me to go home so Sayonara folks !

May want to buy